10 Tricks to Help You Quit Smoking


Go to a sauna three days in a row. You’ll sweat out the nicotine and it’ll be easier to quit.


Drink a lot of water and chew fennel seeds. This will help flush toxins out of your system. The fennel seeds will keep your mouth active when cravings arise.


Buy the cheapest, most disgusting cigarettes you can and smoke those. It will help your willpower.


Lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is said to break the habit within a month.


Keep active. When you feel the urge to smoke, go for a run to keep your mind off of smoking. You’ll also start to connect living a healthier lifestyle to quitting.


Download the QuitNow! app. It keeps track of health improvements, cigarettes not smoked, and money saved while you’re quitting.


Reward yourself. Along with the health benefits, quitting smoking saves you a lot of money, so treat yourself every once in a while to give you extra motivation.


Don’t quit cold turkey. About 95% of people that quit without therapy or medication end up relapsing.


Use smoking as a stress reliever? Try finding a new way to manage stress like regular massages, listening to relaxing music, doing yoga, or practicing tai chi.


Clean your house. Once you’ve quit, make sure to completely clean out your house. Throw out your lighters, matches, empty packs of smokes, and anything that smells like smoke.


Get rid of nighttime coughs by putting Vicks VapoRub on your feet and then placing socks over them. Your cough will stop within minutes.


Spam texts bothering you? Forward them to 7726 and your carrier will reply asking for the number it came from to help stop spam.


Putting Tums on a painful mouth ulcer will cause it to go away in a matter of hours.


Eat something really spicy? Eating a teaspoon of sugar will completely neutralize the heat sensation.


If you wet your fingertips and the head of the nail clippers, the nail clippings won’t fly off when you trim your nails.


Putting apple cider vinegar on moles, warts, and skin tags will remove them.


Smelly jeans? Put them in a Ziploc bag and freeze overnight. The same technique works for shoes.


The gel from an Advil liquid gel will cure a pimple almost instantly.


If you accidentally over-salt a dish while cooking, drop a peeled potato into the mix. The potato will absorb the excess salt.


To instantly untangle headphones, pick a point about halfway along the wire and shake it.


Squeezing a lemon or lime into your shampoo will stop frizzy hair.


Acne Scar Remedy: Mix a teaspoon of nutmeg and a tablespoon of honey into a paste. Apply for thirty minutes and rinse. Repeat daily, if needed.


Want to cool down your body temperature? Run your wrist under cold water for at least five minutes. It’ll cool your blood down.


Tired of getting between zero and seven Tic Tacs when you shake the container? Avoid that by letting the mint gently glide into the tiny crevice in the lid.


Having trouble sleeping? Look at photos of other people sleeping. This triggers a response in your brain that actually makes you feel more tired.


Stuffy nose? Leave a sliced onion near where you sleep and let it sit for the night. Your nose will be clear by the time you wake up.


Putting vodka on your face tightens your pores and reduces the chances of acne breakouts.


Bad sunburn? Aloe lotion is good, but aloe ice cubes are better!


Immediately applying Mineral Ice Pain Relieving Gel to a burn will prevent blistering.


Take note of your body’s position in the morning. This is probably your most comfortable sleeping posture, so posing this way before bed can help you get to sleep more quickly.


Got stains on your sneakers? Scrub them with nail-polish remover and the stains will come right out.


Get rid of fruit flies by filling a bowl with apple cider vinegar and a bit of soap. The vinegar will attract them and the soap will kill them.


If you’re experiencing insomnia, drink a glass of raw lemon juice or a spoonful of honey before sleeping. This will drastically improve your sleep.


Remove a splinter by applying a paste of baking soda and water for several minutes. The splinter should pop out of the skin.


If you’re out of shaving cream, use olive oil. It works just as well, if not better.


As soon as you have brain freeze, push your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It will relieve the pain instantly.


Have a sore throat? Try eating a piece of cucumber. It cools down your throat and stops that itchy feeling.


Need to get rid of the hiccups? Hold your breath and swallow three times.


Put a sticker with a fake PIN number on your debit card. That way, if you lose it and someone tries to use it more than three times, the machine will eat the card.


Get rid of rust by rubbing it with aluminum foil soaked in vinegar.


Zipper won’t stay up? Flip it to the down position. Most people don’t know that this “locks” the zipper.


Can’t brush after a meal? Gargle salt water. You’ll be amazed at all the gunk that comes out!


Singing releases a large amount of endorphins in your brain and can make you feel better almost instantly.


Shoes smell funky? Use dryer sheets as an incredibly effective shoe deodorizer.


Adding vodka to your shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp, and stop dandruff.


Cornstarch will untangle all kinds of knots. Rub some into shoelaces, chains, and string to easily loosen them up.


Tape a toy snake to the top of your car when you park and you’ll never have another bird poop on it again!


According to a study, smelling rubbing alcohol can relieve nausea almost instantly.


Need to get those annoying stickers off a product? Spray it with a liquid that contains alcohol, like perfume. The alcohol eats at the glue adhesive, allowing for easy removal.


Need to remember an item in the morning? Put a picture of it as the background for your phone.


Hate insects? Take vitamin B complex during the summer to ward off mosquitos and biting flies.


Eat something too spicy? Drink milk. It will neutralize the spicy taste in your mouth.


If you’re coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop.


Having trouble sleeping? Blink fast for a minute. Tired eyes help you to fall asleep.


People are more likely to return a lost wallet if they find a baby picture inside of it.


Use toothpaste to clear up hazy car headlights—always works like a charm!


If you drop an earring, ring, or small screw, simply turn off the lights and look for it with a flashlight. It should light right up once you scan over it.


If you’re a smoker and can’t or don’t want to quit, drink more black tea. It helps prevent the lung damage caused by smoking.


Get something in your eye? Using your fingertips, hold your eyelashes and pull down your eyelid. Blink rapidly several times to get rid of the foreign object.


Applying crushed aspirin to a wart and covering it with duct tape for several hours will make it disappear.


Did you know that it’s beneficial to lick small cuts? A variety of compounds in human saliva can speed up healing.


The 20-20-20 Rule: Looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes is a method proven to stop eye strain and headaches.


Holding a banana peel over a bruise for ten to thirty minutes will almost completely remove its color.


Suffering from acne? The problem could be your pillowcase. Sleeping on a fresh one every night will usually solve the problem.


Mix 3 mint leaves, ½ cucumber, ½ lemon, and 1 cup filtered water for the perfect headache remedy.


Have a stomachache? Lie on your left side and rub your stomach in clockwise circles. It actually helps!


Don’t burn yourself with those hard-to-reach candles. Use a stick of raw spaghetti to light the wick.


No bug repellent? Put dryer sheets in your shoes and in your pockets. It will help keep mosquitoes away.


Inhale through your mouth, swallow saliva twice, and slowly exhale through your nose for a 100% effective hiccup cure!


Ever have that thing in the back of your throat that makes you want to gag and cough it out? Scratch your ear and it’ll go away.


Reading a book before bed makes your eyes tired. As a result, your brain is tricked into feeling tired and falling asleep is much easier.


Toothpaste removes ink from your clothes. Apply it to a stain, let it dry, and then wash your clothes.


The most effective cough syrup that exists is honey.


Have a headache? Submerge your feet and hands in hot water and put a bag of frozen peas on the back of your head. The heat on your extremities pulls the blood from your head, relieving your head pains.


Chugging one glass of grape juice can relieve migraine headaches almost instantly.


Can’t tell if a woman is big or pregnant? Ask her if she has kids. She’ll mention if she’s pregnant.


Having trouble falling asleep? Count backwards from ninety-nine. Chances are, you’ll fall asleep before you even get to fifty.


Drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning can help fight arthritis pain throughout the day.


Clogged drain? Unclog it with 1 cup of baking soda mixed with 1 cup of white vinegar.


Showering with cooler water can help stop dandruff.


Gum on your shoe? Spray it with some WD-40 and it’ll come right off.


Babies keep crying when you hold them? Try raising your eyebrows instead of furrowing them. Babies are observant of faces, so they’ll be less likely to cry.


Blow some air in when filling up water balloons. This will cause it to pop when it hits someone instead of just bouncing off.


If you lose something, take a picture of your room, put it on Facebook, and have your friends play “I Spy.”


Don’t have a coin to flip? Look at the time. If the minutes are even, it’s heads, and if they’re odd, it’s tails.


When you’re in pain, cursing releases enkephalin, which raises your pain tolerance, causing you to hurt less.


Do you have blue hands from your new jeans? Wash them with a tablespoon of salt to set the dye.


Zipper keeps falling down? Attach the zipper to a key ring and put it around your pants button.


Get rid of your motion sickness by sucking on a lemon or eating olives.


Have a pounding migraine headache? Try eating spinach instead of popping a pill. Magnesium is used in the ER to treat migraine attacks, and spinach contains loads of magnesium as well as riboflavin.


Sleepy but don’t want to be? Hold your breath as long as you can and then breathe out slowly. This will perk you right up!


When you feel like you’re about to yawn, touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue to prevent it.


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